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Maintenance method of glasses processing equipment
issuing time:2020-05-21

High-tech equipment has become an important part of the daily work of optical shops. They need to be carefully maintained to perform their best functions. Novices in assembly of optical shops usually start with the daily maintenance of automatic edging machines. In the routine maintenance of the inside and outside of the automatic edging machine, usually only water, a little oil and two towels are needed. In contrast, microfiber towels are better.

When you first arrive, there will be a lot of new things coming up. In addition to being familiar with the new colleagues, the boss, and the work flow of the workshop, the novice assembly workers must also learn the daily maintenance of the workshop equipment.

1. Learning and maintenance experience

First of all, please consult with experienced colleagues, they will explain the daily maintenance procedures, it is best to take a notebook to write down the most important places. At the beginning, novices may complete the equipment maintenance collectively, and later they have to complete the maintenance alone. If the maintenance process is not very clear, it is recommended that you observe carefully and ask more questions.

In any case, it is recommended to read the instructions carefully and understand thoroughly. There are various maintenance instructions in the manual, especially the safety instructions for operating the equipment. It is necessary to observe these safety matters to avoid injury. Sometimes the safety instructions are posted on the device

Second, rinse the inner compartment of the edging machine with clean water

Open the plastic cover of the automatic edging machine to see the grinding area. When the edging machine is working, the plastic cover is closed; when taking and putting the lens, the plastic cover needs to be opened. After working for a period of time, the grinding lens residue will accumulate on the inner wall of the edging machine. It is usually necessary to rinse these residues with clean water and then dry the inner wall. When cleaning, it is best to choose a soft plastic bottle with a hose, so that the water stream can be shot out of reach of human hands, which is convenient for washing.

When cleaning, it is best to choose a soft plastic bottle with a hose, so that the water flow can reach the place where human hands can not reach

After cleaning the inner wall of the automatic edging machine, you can focus on cleaning the protruding metal parts, rotating shaft and water supply line inside the grinder. At the same time, a thin oil film is applied to the metal parts to protect the metal parts. It is recommended to use the special protective oil recommended by the equipment manufacturer.

3. Wipe metal parts with engine oil

Someone may use oil spray to maintain the equipment. Motor oil is an ancient and effective maintenance oil. Many generations of assemblers used this oil to maintain equipment. The oil spray was originally used to clean the parts of rifles and pistols, which played a role in anti-corrosion. Legend has it that some hunters have also used this oil as a first aid disinfectant for gunshot wounds.

The main component of this motor oil is a so-called medical white oil, which can be used as a preservative to protect or as a lubricant. The alcohol contained in it can also play a disinfecting role. However, this oil film is easily washed away by water and loses its protective effect. When the first lens is ground the next day, the oil film is automatically removed.

Fourth, use dry microfiber towels to maintain the display

Do not clean the monitor with a wet towel! The edges of most displays are not sealed, moisture can penetrate inside, and for highly sensitive electronic devices, it may cause a short circuit. It is best to use a microfiber towel to clean the display to avoid scratching the display surface. A protective film can be attached to the display. If there is no protective film for a specific machine, you can also use a mobile phone screensaver.