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What equipment do I need to open an optical shop?
issuing time:2020-05-21

There are about ten basic equipments for opening an optical shop.

The first is the refractometer, and of course, there is an optometrist with an optometry certificate. The price accuracy of the refractometer is also different. The more accurate the refractometer is, the more expensive it is. The degree is relatively accurate. Inserted optometry also requires an optometry lens box, and a power meter to accurately verify the power.

Operation of good light will naturally start optics. After the customer chooses the frame, they will start to make the lens. This requires an edger to grind the lens into a suitable shape for the frame. Polishing is required after polishing, which requires a lens polishing machine.

Then, according to the needs of the five frames, a hole is punched in the lens and fixed with screws. In addition, the slotting machine is needed for the half frame. The above devices can basically be equipped with a pair of glasses.

Of course, it ’s certainly not enough to open an optical shop now. There are other devices that also play a role in all aspects. At the same time, it can also make your optical shop more professional, such as an optometry equipment and corneal curvature. Instrument, slit lamp, etc., production equipment and center locator, etc.

In addition, all equipment is also divided into automatic manual. In short, according to the situation of your own optical shop, the equipment investment is different.

Optical shop decoration process:

1. To a trusted decoration company, the company sent a designer to the shop to make a field measurement, and produced a set of plan (step chart) and quotation.

2. After the owner confirms the satisfaction of the plan and quotation, a design deposit will be charged. The design deposit is also equivalent to the sincere deposit, which can be used as the payment later.

3. After the owner confirms his satisfaction, he then signs a formal contract in duplicate and pays 60% of the entire payment.

4. After that, the decoration company will place an order to produce the cabinet, with a production cycle of about 20 days. Before the finished product is shipped, the owner needs to pay a second payment of nearly 40%.

5. After the decoration is completed, the industry will mainly hand over the remaining balance to the decoration workers and sign a one-year warranty.