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What should I do if there is a burst on the glass of the straight bilateral glasses machine?
issuing time:2020-05-21

1. The grinding wheel of the glasses machine should be adjusted again. It may be that the grinding wheel is old, this possibility is relatively small, but there is such a situation.

2. The feed position of the grinding wheel which may be deformed on the base and the chamfer may not be adjusted properly. Readjust the grinding wheel.

3. PLC program test method The PLC program test method is to program the functions of the PLC into a functional experimental program, and check the opening and inspection one by one from the outside to the inside. The parameter inspection method should promptly check the system parameters when the glass glasses machine fails.

4.The quality of the grinding head of the eyeglass machine has a great influence on the grinding quality of the glass.The position and movement clearance of the grinding head have been adjusted at the factory.Except for the advancement and retraction of the grinding head, the rest should not be moved. So as not to affect the grinding quality. In addition, the backward position of the grinding head is not easy to be too large, otherwise it is easy to damage the waterproof sleeve, causing water leakage, and easy to burn out the motor.